Validation of a measurement scale of service quality, image, customer satisfaction and loyalty in traditional trade


  • Cláudia Miranda Veloso GOVCOPP, UNIAG, ESTGA, University of Aveiro, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança
  • Ana Paula Monte UNIAG, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança


SERVPERF, image, satisfaction, loyalty, Portuguese retail industry


The retail industry’s ability to create satisfactory experiences for consumers remains to a considerable degree in the hands of management and retail staff. This research’s central purpose was to validate an instrument that assesses the perceived quality of service, brand image, customer satisfaction and loyalty to traditional retail stores in Portugal. The findings suggest that the scale’s 28 items can be grouped into four main dimensions and applied to Portuguese traditional retail businesses with good results. In addition, this questionnaire can be a useful tool for traditional retail stores seeking to understand customers’ perceptions. The assessment scale also facilitates the ongoing search for customer satisfaction and loyalty by revealing their drivers and moving traditional trade further along the path towards quality service and better brand image. These strategies, in turn, are reflected in excellent organisational performance and higher profitability.

Author Biography

  • Cláudia Miranda Veloso, GOVCOPP, UNIAG, ESTGA, University of Aveiro, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança
    Doutor e Mestre em Estudos Alemães pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Licenciado em Línguas e Literaturas Modernas e Bacharel em Turismo Professor Adjunto, ESGHT / Universidade do Algarve Editor de Tourism & Management Studies Coordenador do "Master in European Tourism Management", o qual se encontra integrado numa rede de 7 universidades europeias.


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Business/Management: Research Papers

How to Cite

Veloso, C. M., & Monte, A. P. (2019). Validation of a measurement scale of service quality, image, customer satisfaction and loyalty in traditional trade. Tourism & Management Studies, 15(3), 27-35.

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