TMS ALGARVE 2025 (12-15 Nov. 2025 - website will be lauchched soon)
Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts to this journal. All submissions will be initially assessed by an editor to determine if they meet the journal's aims and scope, adhere to its guidelines, and make a significant contribution. Submissions may be desk-rejected at this stage for various reasons, including ethical concerns, lack of fit within the journal's scope, or failure to meet the minimum standards required for publication.
Manuscripts that pass this initial assessment will be reviewed by two or more editors, who will decide whether to send them for peer review or desk-reject them. Those selected for peer review will undergo one or more rounds of evaluation before a final decision is made. A paper will be accepted after peer review if the editors deem it to make a significant contribution to knowledge, society, or practice, and consider it to be in its best possible form.
Before submitting, authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish any material included in the submission, such as photos, documents, and datasets. All authors identified on the submission must consent to be identified as an author.
To increase the chances of success with your submission, please consider the following questions:
Have you read the journal's publication guidelines and adapted your paper accordingly? If not, please do so.
Have you read articles previously published in this journal? It could be helpful in preparing your paper for submission.
Have you previously cited any articles from the journal? If not, why? Do the journal's articles not align with your topics?
If your paper is accepted, are you willing to actively promote your research through social networks and other channels to increase its visibility?
If your paper is accepted, are you willing to serve as a reviewer for the journal in the future (if you hold a PhD in a relevant area)? Please remember that others have voluntarily reviewed your paper to ensure it meets publication standards.
Please keep in mind that everyone involved with this journal—editors, reviewers, and editorial board members—works on a voluntary basis. There are no fees to publish or to access/download papers. Our commitment is driven by a passion for science and the desire to advance knowledge in the fields covered by this journal. Our only reward is the pride we take in our work and the journal's accomplishments. Therefore,
The journal aims to publish papers that make meaningful contributions to knowledge, society, and/or professional practice.
Additionally, the journal seeks to collaborate with dedicated authors who are both capable and willing to give back to the research community, actively contributing to the journal's success and the advancement of knowledge.
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items. By submitting you agree that you have read and agreed with the following guidelines.
Compliance with the journal's guidelines:
Tourism & Management Studies publishes mainly full papers and very rarely short communications. Full papers should consist of 6,000–9,000 words, including references, and make a significant contribution to the relevant field. The Editorial Board may, however, accept longer papers if they are of special interest to the journal. Short Communications (4000-6000 words) are expected to contribute substantially like a research paper. Because the journal rarely accepts short communications, contacting the Editor ( is advisable before submission.
4. Manuscript structure:
Each manuscript must include an abstract of 150-180 words and no more than 6 keywords in English and in either Portuguese or Spanish. When needed, the journal can provide a free translation of these items into Portuguese. The abstract should state the research’s purpose, main results, and major conclusions in a concise, factual manner. The abstract also needs to represent the essence of the research and be able to stand alone. References are not permitted, and abbreviations should be avoided. However, if the latter are essential, they must be defined with the full associated term at their first mention and be used more than once in the abstract.
Each manuscript should have a suitable structure, preferably including an Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results, Discussion and Conclusions (including Theoretical contribution, Practical Implications, Limitations, and Suggestions for Future Research), followed by References.
5. Manuscript anonymisation:
Before submitting a paper, please make sure that the authors’ identities have been removed from the manuscript, including from the document’s Properties information. If one of the authors’ previous works is cited in the paper, only the word ‘Author’ and year should be inserted in the References instead of that author’s name, paper title, and so on. Once the blind review process is concluded, references to the manuscript authors’ existing publications should be completed.
6. Manuscripts’ formal aspects:
a) Formatting: Manuscripts should be submitted as a Microsoft Word file, in a Calibri 9 pt font, and with the line spacing set as Multiple 1.15.
b) Internal organization: All sections should be given a heading and numbered as well as subheadings (i.e. 1. 1.1 1.1.1).
c) Tables and figures must be included in the text in an editable format, especially all items produced using Microsoft Office. In the case of other types of files, make sure that they are high-resolution. Each table, figure, or graph must be preceded by a reference in the previous paragraph. If the text includes equations, they must be inserted in an editable format.
d) APA style: In-text citations or references to specific works in the main text, as well as the references list, must be formatted strictly according to APA 6th or 7th Edition guidelines. All references or citations made in the text should be listed in the References section, and the latter can only contain sources cited within the text, tables, and figures. An extremely important point to keep in mind is that incomplete references will not be accepted.
The list of references must be presented in alphabetical order in APA style. For example:
Bowdin, G., Allen, J., O’Toole, W., Harris, R., & McDonnell, I. (2008). Events management. London: Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann.
Upton, M. (2004). Crowd safety planning for major concert events. In C. Kemp, & I. Hill (Eds.), Health and safety aspects in the live music industry (pp. 143–161). Cambridge: Entertainment Technology Press.
World Bank. (2004). Beyond economic growth. Retrieved 23 January 2022 from
Zheng, J. J., Shen, H., Chau, K. Y., Liu, T., & Li, E. L. (2021). Factors influencing conative loyalty in anthropology museum tourism. Tourism & Management Studies, 17(2), 29-40.
Note: The correct use of et al. in APA-style references is as follows. The first time that a source with 3 to 5 authors is cited or referred to in the text, all surnames are included, followed by the publication year (Smith, Parsons & Jones, 2001). In all subsequent citations, only the name of the first author is included, followed by et al. without italics (Smith et al., 2001). When a cited source has six or more authors, only the first author’s surname is included, followed by et al. in any citations in the text. An exception to this rule is when more than one source with the same first author and publication year is cited in your paper, in which case the second or more authors’ surnames must be included to avoid any possible confusion.
e) Acknowledgments should appear after the Conclusions section and before the References list.
f) No footnotes or endnotes are permitted.
The journal retains published articles’ copyrights, but they are simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC-ND), which allows individuals’ to share the relevant papers as long as authorship and publication in this journal are duly acknowledged.
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
TMS ALGARVE 2025 (12-15 Nov. 2025 - website will be lauchched soon)