The influence of workplace bullying on the performance of hotel employees: the mediating role of emotional intelligence and psychological resilience


  • Kamal Adewole Odunjo-Saka Girne American University, North Cyprus
  • Banji Rildwan Olaleye Federal University Oye-Ekiti
  • Eric Sarpong Girne American University, North Cyprus
  • Abdurrashid Ibrahim University of Strathclyde
  • Jonathan Olusegun Adedokun Federal University Oye-Ekiti, Nigeria.


Workplace bullying, employee performance, emotional intelligence, psychological resilience, human resource management.


Workplace bullying has consistently been observed to have negative impacts on employee well-being by researchers. In the field of bullying research, there hasn't been a study that integrates mediators and explains the nexus between the many different factors that have been studied. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the impact of bullying on workers' performance at hotels in North Cyprus and the mediating role played by emotional intelligence and psychological resilience. Data were randomly collected from 442 hotel employees, including those from five- and four-star hotels on the island. The data were analysed using descriptive analysis. Furthermore, the heuristic model was tested using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). According to the results, workplace bullying significantly and negatively influences an employee's performance. Secondly, emotional intelligence and psychological resilience positively mediated the relationship between bullying and performance among TRNC hotel employees. More cross-cultural and longitudinal research is needed to determine if these mediators have an enduring effect over time and across different cultures.

Author Biographies

  • Kamal Adewole Odunjo-Saka, Girne American University, North Cyprus
    Department of Psychology, Faculty of Human Sciences
  • Banji Rildwan Olaleye, Federal University Oye-Ekiti
    Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences
  • Eric Sarpong, Girne American University, North Cyprus

    Department of Business Management, Faculty of Business & Economics


  • Abdurrashid Ibrahim, University of Strathclyde

    Department of Design Manufacturing and Engineering Management

  • Jonathan Olusegun Adedokun, Federal University Oye-Ekiti, Nigeria.


    Department of Public Administration


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Business/Management: Research Papers

How to Cite

Odunjo-Saka, K. A., Olaleye, B. R., Sarpong, E., Ibrahim, A., & Adedokun, J. O. (2024). The influence of workplace bullying on the performance of hotel employees: the mediating role of emotional intelligence and psychological resilience. Tourism & Management Studies, 19(3), 59-71.

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