Neural network analysis for hotel service design in Madrid: the 3ps methodology and the frontline staff


  • Sandra Flores-Ureba Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Javier De Esteban-Curiel Rey Juan Carlos University
  • Mª Luisa Delgado-Jalón
  • José Ángel Rivero-Menéndez


-line employees, Neural Network Analysis, Hotels, Visitor emotional experience


This paper takes into account a fresh approach to hotel service experience based on the concept of “3Ps Methodology” and “Neural Network Analysis” (NNA). Traditional tools of experience management have been implemented by hotel management in the last decades in order to fulfil the requirements of customer experiences.

A more discriminating distinction is proposed in this research, based on the neural network algorithm (the Multilayer Perceptron) in order to achieve more efficiency. In this sense, Madrid hotels are analyzed from the visitor’s perspective for showing the relationships established between front-line employees and customers. A face-to-face survey were conducted in several tourism hotspots in Madrid in order to investigate the hotel frontline service and the emotional experience of customers.

The findings have been treated with statistical procedures and, after carrying out the neural network analysis, we have concluded that the Servicescape model could be classified under the category of “People-processing service”.

Author Biography

  • Sandra Flores-Ureba, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
    Econonía de la empresa. Profesor Titular Univesidad Interino


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Tourism/Hospitality: Research Papers

How to Cite

Flores-Ureba, S., Esteban-Curiel, J. D., Delgado-Jalón, M. L., & Rivero-Menéndez, J. Ángel. (2018). Neural network analysis for hotel service design in Madrid: the 3ps methodology and the frontline staff. Tourism & Management Studies, 14(1), 83-94.

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