Forgotten customers, inclusive customers: personal values and coproduction of physically disabled person in leisure consumption


  • Nuno Álvares Felizardo Jr.
  • Irene Raguenet Troccoli Universidade Estácio de Sá
  • Patricia Leite da Silva Scatulino


Physically disabled customers, Coproduction, Personal values, Priming, Human senses


Physically disabled customers (PDC) in Brazil face numerous obstacles in their social role as consumers, in spite of their significant share in the population. Their low visibility implies that they are not seen as what they really are: potential consumers. Consequently, they cannot either satisfy their wishes or achieve personal values through the acquisition of products and services. This suggests an investigation of the major reasons behind their consumption practices related to personal values. Using the soft laddering technique, this research shows that happiness and freedom are the personal values achieved by PDCs while enjoying beachside recreation activities. Non-participant observation and the priming stimuli typology on the five human senses were simultaneously used to investigate the intersection of these values with the stimuli offered by the service providers for these customers to co-produce the service. Finally, further investigation is suggested as to why, contrary to common sense, social belonging has not been one of the disclosed personal values.

Author Biographies

  • Nuno Álvares Felizardo Jr.
    M. Sc., professor at Instituto Federal do Sudeste de Minas Gerais - Campus Muriaé, Minas Gerais, Brazil
  • Irene Raguenet Troccoli, Universidade Estácio de Sá
    D. Sc, professor of Marketing at Mestrado de Administração e Desenvolvimento Empresarial (MADE) in Universidade Estácio de Sá (Unesa) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Patricia Leite da Silva Scatulino
    M. Sc., professor of Marketing at Uniabeu, Angra dos Reis (Brazil)


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Business/Management: Research Papers

How to Cite

Felizardo Jr., N. Álvares, Troccoli, I. R., & Scatulino, P. L. da S. (2018). Forgotten customers, inclusive customers: personal values and coproduction of physically disabled person in leisure consumption. Tourism & Management Studies, 14(3), 75-84.

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