Destination image, satisfaction and destination loyalty in cruise tourism: the case of Málaga (Spain)


  • Guillermo Bermúdez González University of Malaga, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Business Management, Campus El Ejido, 29013 Malaga (Spain)
  • Dolores Tous Zamora University of Malaga, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Business Organization, Campus El Ejido, 29013 Malaga (Spain)


Cluster analysis, destination image, cruise passengers satisfaction, destination loyalty, cruise tourism.


Over the past decades cruise tourism is a sector that has experienced a tremendous growth around the globe. The relations that are establish between the different agents that interact in this industry, passengers, crew and residents are crucial for visitor satisfaction and the success of the tourist destination.

The study has analyzed the different types of cruise passengers who landed at the port of Malaga and their perception of the capital through the destination image, satisfaction and destination loyalty in Malaga.

A cluster analysis showed the existence of four different groups of passengers whose opinions can give a specific answer to the consolidation of Malaga as a quality tourist destination.

From a practical point of view, recommendations about the adequate management of the destination attributes for the cruise industry are discussed in the conclusions.

Author Biographies




  • Dolores Tous Zamora, University of Malaga, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Business Organization, Campus El Ejido, 29013 Malaga (Spain)


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Tourism/Hospitality: Research Papers

How to Cite

Cruz Ruiz, E., Bermúdez González, G., & Tous Zamora, D. (2018). Destination image, satisfaction and destination loyalty in cruise tourism: the case of Málaga (Spain). Tourism & Management Studies, 14(1), 58-68.

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