Analysis of intention to purchase travel on the Web


  • German Gemar University of Malaga
  • Ismael P. Soler University of Malaga
  • Laura Melendez University of Malaga



Cluster analysis, e-commerce, purchase of trips, purchase intention, integrated model


The Internet’s role in global market development merits more extensive research, which is especially true for Spain’s tourism industry because of its contribution to the national economy. The Web’s intangible nature also makes it the most effective distribution channel. To help companies differentiate their websites, this study tested a model of purchase intention that includes its determinants. Cluster analysis of a representative sample was conducted to sort potential and current consumers of online travel services into groups based on their perceptions of the model’s factors. While young consumers see purchasing tourism-related services on the Internet as easy and cost-effective, the opposite results were obtained for the elderly. However, the perceived risks are considered important by most individuals. To maximise the benefits of e-commerce, companies must develop strategies that meet each type of client’s expectations.

Author Biography

  • German Gemar, University of Malaga
    Doutor e Mestre em Estudos Alemães pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Licenciado em Línguas e Literaturas Modernas e Bacharel em Turismo Professor Adjunto, ESGHT / Universidade do Algarve Editor de Tourism & Management Studies Coordenador do "Master in European Tourism Management", o qual se encontra integrado numa rede de 7 universidades europeias.


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Tourism/Hospitality: Research Papers

How to Cite

Gemar, G., Soler, I. P., & Melendez, L. (2019). Analysis of intention to purchase travel on the Web. Tourism & Management Studies, 15(1), 23-33.