Effect of internal corporate social responsibility activities on tourism and hospitality employees ‘normative commitment during COVID-19


  • Tarek Sayed AbdelAzim 1) Department of Tourism and Archaeology, Hail University, Hail, Saudi Arabia. 2) Department of Tourist Studies, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Minia University, Egypt.
  • Ayman Kassem Hail University, Hail
  • Abdallah Alajloni Hail University, Hail
  • Abdullah Alomran Hail University, Hail
  • Ahmed Ragab Minia University, El Minya
  • Eman Shaker The High Institute of Tourism and Hotels, King Marriot Alexandria, Egypt


internal corporate social responsibility, normative commitment, tourism, Hospitality, Covid-19.


The purpose of this research is to explore the extent to which internal corporate social responsibility activities affect employees’ normative organizational commitment during the COVID-19 crisis and to survey the role of the administrative level as a moderator between the two of them. A survey in the form of a self-completed questionnaire was conducted on a sample of employees in hospitality and tourism establishments in Hail city, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 213 employees voluntarily participated in the current study. Their responses were examined by using linear regression and exploratory factor analyses. The findings revealed that internal corporate social responsibility is a positive predictor of normative organizational commitment. The total effect of internal corporate social responsibility on normative organizational commitment could not be enhanced through the moderation of the administrative position. This study has important implications for both academics and professionals. Theoretical and managerial implications, contributions, limitations, and future study objectives were reviewed in light of the findings.

Author Biographies

  • Tarek Sayed AbdelAzim, 1) Department of Tourism and Archaeology, Hail University, Hail, Saudi Arabia. 2) Department of Tourist Studies, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Minia University, Egypt.
    Tarek Abdelazim Ahmed is a professor at the faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Minia University, and the Department of Tourism and Archaeology, Hail University. He holds a Ph. D. degree in Economics from La Rochelle University, France. His research interests include tourism economics, cultural heritage, tourism marketing, human resources in tourism, and e-tourism.
  • Eman Shaker, The High Institute of Tourism and Hotels, King Marriot Alexandria, Egypt

    Eman Shaker is a lecturer at King Marriot institute. She Holds A Ph.D. degree in tourism studies. Her research interests include tourism management and human resources. 


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Tourism/Hospitality: Research Papers

How to Cite

AbdelAzim, T. S., Kassem, A., Alajloni, A., Alomran, A., Ragab, A., & Shaker, E. (2023). Effect of internal corporate social responsibility activities on tourism and hospitality employees ‘normative commitment during COVID-19. Tourism & Management Studies, 18(3), 21-35. https://tmstudies.net/index.php/ectms/article/view/1601