The impact of customer involvement in airline loyalty programs: a multigroup analysis




Loyalty Programs, Benefits, Loyalty, Perceived Functional Value, Involvement.


Loyalty programs (LPs) have been considered a key determining factor for the performance of many companies. Although the benefits, satisfaction, perceived functional value (PFV), and loyalty (BSPfvL) have been widely explored, few studies have attempted to compare the results of this model in different groups of consumers. This study aims to analyze the relationships for varying levels of user involvement in airline loyalty programs. The population of this study was individual members of airway loyalty programs in Brazil. We obtained 429 answered questionnaires. We used multi-group analysis (MGA) using Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The results of this study indicate the mediation effect of satisfaction and perceived value and moderation of consumer involvement. A difference was identified between the two groups regarding hedonic benefits, satisfaction, and loyalty. This research has successfully contributed to the airline industry regarding the importance of loyalty benefits. Additionally, it highlights the importance of establishing consumers’ involvement in company loyalty programs. Finally, this study provides practical and theoretical contributions and guides future research efforts.

Author Biographies

  • Pablo Flôres Limberger, University of Vale do Itajaí

    PhD in Tourism and Hospitality (UNIVALI)

    Teacher and Researcher of the Master and Doctorate Program in Tourism and Hospitality

  • Lucimari Acosta Pereira, University of Vale do Itajaí

    Master in Tourism and Hospitality (UNIVALI)

    PhD. Student in Tourism and Hospitality (UNIVALI)

  • Tércio Pereira, University of Vale do Itajaí
    Bachelor's degree in business administration; MBA in Sales and Retail Management; Specialization in Creative Marketing; Master in Tourism and Hospitality; PhD student in Tourism and Hospitality.


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Tourism/Hospitality: Research Papers

How to Cite

Limberger, P. F., Pereira, L. A., & Pereira, T. (2021). The impact of customer involvement in airline loyalty programs: a multigroup analysis. Tourism & Management Studies, 17(3), 37-49.

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