Impact of the use of social networking sites on job performance: effect of digital competence




Social Networking Sites, Job Performance, Digital competencies, social networks, digital skills


This research examines the role that digital competence and the use of social networking sites (SNS) play in the workplace, focusing on female executives in the tourism sector. It analyzes the intersection between digital culture, technological innovation and its application in professional and everyday contexts. Despite the predominance of women in the sector, persistent gender gaps are observed in the workplace. It is argued that the domain of digital skills can act as a catalyst to mitigate these inequalities. The article offers an enriched definition of digital competence and examines its impact on job performance while addressing the risks and guidelines associated with the use of socio-digital networks. An analytical model is proposed to assess the job performance of female executives in tourism, focusing on digital technology and knowledge transfer. The results indicate a positive correlation between the versatile use of socio-digital networks and job performance. The importance of digital competence in the contemporary era is highlighted, and its implications for organizational culture, job satisfaction, academic performance and employee retention are discussed.

Author Biographies

  • Luz María Moyano-Castolo, Universidad Anáhuac México

    Luz María Moyano-Castolo is a doctoral student in Communication and Strategic Marketing from the Anáhuac University; Master in Senior Management of Tourist Destinations and Senior Management of Tourism Companies; Graduate in Administration with a specialty in Modern Tourism Business Management from the same institution; Diploma in Digital Marketing, Strategic Planning and various courses on tourism from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO); university professor and Liaison coordinator of the Faculty of Tourism and Gastronomy of the Universidad Anáhuac México, with professional experience in the tourism and entertainment sector. Her research areas include digital skills, women executives, digital communication and tourism.

  • Karla Barajas-Portas, Universidad Anáhuac México

    Karla Barajas-Portas is Full Professor of Marketing at the Business and Economics school at Universidad Anahuac Mexico.  Graduated in Management and Marketing from Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City. She obtained four Masters’ degrees in Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communications, Methodology of Behavioral Science, and Digital Marketing and e-commerce. She earned her PhD in Marketing from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid, Spain. She is visiting professor at Universidad de Chile, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, and Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador. His research interests include digital marketing, branding, strategic marketing planning, and e-commerce. Her professional experience includes marketing positions at Sony Music Entertainment, Grupo Salinas and Meta4.

  • Jorge Alberto Hidalgo-Toledo, Universidad Anáhuac México

    Doctor in Applied Communication from the Anáhuac University; Member of the National System of Researchers Level 1. Former president of the Mexican Association of Communication Researchers, AMIC (2019-2021) and Vice President of the same (2017-2019); University Vice President of the Mexican Academy of Communication (2015-2017 and 2017-2022); President of the National Council for Teaching and Research in Communication Sciences, CONEICC (2012-2015); Secretary of the Catholic Communication Association, SIGNIS Mexico (2014-2016). He has more than 25 years of professional and teaching experience; 8 books published and 50 chapters in national and international books. He is currently the Academic Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies and the Doctorate in Communication and Strategic Marketing at the Universidad Anáhuac México


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Special Issue "Social Media and Digital Transformation"

How to Cite

Moyano-Castolo, L. M., Barajas-Portas, K., & Hidalgo-Toledo, J. A. (2024). Impact of the use of social networking sites on job performance: effect of digital competence. Tourism & Management Studies, 20(SI), 61-75.

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