Gay domestic tourists’ motivation: The case of Bali
Bali, Gay tourism, Satisfaction, Tourist Motivations, QuantitativeAbstract
Building upon existing literature on gay tourism, gay tourist motivation,
and homosexuality, this article explores the primary determinants of
motivation to travel for gay tourists in a conservative market and their
satisfaction with Bali, an Asian and peripheral destination. The study
aims to provide valuable insights for destination marketers and
stakeholders in Indonesia, enabling them to develop improved
marketing strategies tailored to this niche tourism market. A
quantitative approach was employed, utilizing self-administered
questionnaires distributed among gay tourists in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Descriptive and multiple linear regression analyses were conducted to
analyze the experiences of 150 gay domestic tourists in Bali, Indonesia,
as a tourist destination. The findings identified escape, experience, and
peace as significant factors influencing gay tourists' satisfaction, while
friendliness, venue, beach, nightlife, and natural beauty were identified
as destination attributes impacting holiday satisfaction. These findings
contribute to the existing body of literature on gay tourism, particularly
within the Asian context, and provide valuable insights for destination
managers and marketers seeking a deeper understanding of this niche
market segment.
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