An application of geomarketing to coastal tourism areas




coastal tourism area, consumer behaviour, geomarketing, territorial segmentation, family tourism


Geomarketing allows geographical units to be defined with a certain degree of homogeneity in terms of tourists’ preferences, behaviours, needs, expectations, purchase and consumption patterns and analogous attitudes. The result is a ‘territorial segmentation’ of tourists’ demands in accordance with tourism areas’ geographical characteristics. This study sought to examine the benefits and disadvantages of applying geomarketing to territorial segmentation of demand in coastal tourism areas. An empirical analysis was conducted of data on tourist accommodation establishments specialising in family tourism in Costa Adeje, Spain. The findings include that the tourist accommodation variable is essential to any successful segmentation process, including the micro-segmentation of coastal tourism areas. This variable facilitates the grouping of consumers with similar demands in a market based on shared needs, habits or attitudes and, from the supply side, on areas’ characteristics. The latter territorial aspects are crucial to public and private decision-making processes. Thus, geomarketing is an ideal technique for understanding tourists.

Author Biographies

  • María Pilar Peñarrubia-Zaragoza, Department of Geography. University of Valencia

    Associate Lecturer. Department of Geography. University of Valencia

    PhD Geography

  • Moisés Simancas-Cruz, Department of Geography and History. University of La Laguna

    Senior Lecturer. Department of Geography and History. PhD Geography

  • Geraldine Forgione-Martín, ReinvenTUR research group: Tourist Renovation Observatory. University of La Laguna

    Research Assistant. University of La Laguna



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Tourism/Hospitality: Research Papers

How to Cite

Peñarrubia-Zaragoza, M. P., Simancas-Cruz, M., & Forgione-Martín, G. (2019). An application of geomarketing to coastal tourism areas. Tourism & Management Studies, 15(4), 7-16.

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