Economic and image impacts of Summer Olympic Games in tourist destinations: a review of the literature


  • Luciana Brandão Ferreira University of São Paulo
  • Marina Toledo de Arruda Lourenção University of São Paulo
  • Janaina de Moura Engracia Giraldi University of São Paulo
  • Jorge Henrique Caldeira De Oliveira University of São Paulo


Summer Olympic Games. Economic Impacts. Tourist Destination Image


This article aims to verify in the literature related to the Summer Olympics the main economic and image implications for the destination hosting it. A qualitative exploratory research was carried out with the survey of scientific articles of the last twenty- five years in five different databases. The studies found indicate economic and image gains and losses from hosting the games. As positive aspects, most of the studies mention those coming from Olympic spending that provided long-term gains for the resident population in the host locality, and related to tourist activity. The most cited negative aspects are related to investments that generated benefits only in the short term, or lack of investment in infrastructure. It is concluded that the preparation and implementation processes in each country are too different for the results to be uniform. In addition, the diverse methodological aspects in the articles also influence their results.

Author Biographies

  • Luciana Brandão Ferreira, University of São Paulo

    PHD student at Business Administration of Organizations Program at University of São Paulo,

    School of Economics, Business Administration and Accouting; Professor at  Tousirm and Hospitality Department at Federal University of Maranhão

  • Marina Toledo de Arruda Lourenção, University of São Paulo

    PHD student at Business Administration of Organizations Program at University of São Paulo,

    School of Economics, Business Administration and Accouting

  • Janaina de Moura Engracia Giraldi, University of São Paulo

    Professor at University of São Paulo,

    School of Economics, Business Administration and Accouting

  • Jorge Henrique Caldeira De Oliveira, University of São Paulo

    Professor at University of São Paulo,

    School of Economics, Business Administration and Accouting


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Tourism/Hospitality: Research Papers

How to Cite

Ferreira, L. B., Lourenção, M. T. de A., Giraldi, J. de M. E., & De Oliveira, J. H. C. (2018). Economic and image impacts of Summer Olympic Games in tourist destinations: a review of the literature. Tourism & Management Studies, 14(3), 52-63.

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