How digital influencer content and characteristics influence Generation Y persuasiveness and purchase intention




digital influencers, trust, brand attitude, purchase intention, generations


This paper aims to understand the effect of content and digital influencer characteristics on their persuasiveness ability and Generation Y's resulting brand attitudes and purchase intentions (Millennials). Based on a sample of 201 individuals and quantitative analysis, data was analysed using Smart PLS. The results show that the quality of the content is the characteristic with the highest impact on the influencer's persuasive power. In terms of influencer characteristics, trust is a critical determinant. The influencer's persuasiveness is essential for developing a positive attitude towards the brand and purchase intention. Our findings update previous studies, focusing on Generation Y and including trust as a variable while simultaneously revealing a fundamental determinant of influence power. For brands, this study confirms the importance of having digital influencers in their strategies. For influencers, it suggests that when targeting Generation Y, they should invest in the quality of their publications and increase trust, as this is strongly linked to their persuasiveness and, consequently, to the purchase intention of their followers

Author Biographies

  • Maria Antónia Rodrigues, ISCAP P. Porto Rua Jaime Lopes Amorim, s/n 4465-004 S. Mamede de Infesta 229050000

    Maria Antónia Rodrigues (Ph.D) is a senior lecturer at Porto Accounting and Business School of Polytechnic of Porto. She is a Director of BA in Marketing. She is a reviewer and has published a several papers. She is a member of CEOS.PP, a research Centre of Porto Accounting and Business School of Polytechnic of Porto. She also has business experience in services companies.

  • Maria Amélia Carvalho, ISCAP P. Porto Rua Jaime Lopes Amorim, s/n 4465-004 S. Mamede de Infesta 229050000

    Maria Amélia Carvalho (Ph.D.) is an invited adjunct professor at Porto Accounting and Business School of Polytechnic of Porto. She has published papers in the domain of customer engagement, social media and tourism marketing.

  • Luciana Oliveira, ISCAP P. Porto Rua Jaime Lopes Amorim, s/n 4465-004 S. Mamede de Infesta 229050000

    Luciana Oliveira is a full professor at ISCAP P.Porto and a researcher at CEOS.PP. She has published relevant work in the domain of social media, communication, e-learning and information systems. She is a member of the Editorial Review Board for several international conferences and journals and is an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction and International Journal of Technological Advancements.

  • Andreia Barbosa, ISCAP P. Porto Rua Jaime Lopes Amorim, s/n 4465-004 S. Mamede de Infesta 229050000

    Andreia Barbosa holds a master's degree in Administrative Assistance and a degree in Business Communication. With expertise in accounts payable, she also possesses professional experience in sales and point-of-sale communication. Her passion lies in the realm of digital communication.


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Business/Management: Research Papers

How to Cite

Rodrigues, M. A., Carvalho, M. A., Oliveira, L., & Barbosa, A. (2024). How digital influencer content and characteristics influence Generation Y persuasiveness and purchase intention. Tourism & Management Studies, 20(2), 25-38.

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