Video-Induced Tourism in Central Portugal: Production and Impact of Promotional Videos



Tourism, Portugal, Promotional Videos, Video-induced tourism, film production, entrepreneurship


The concept of film-induced tourism refers to travel activities to certain destinations motivated by films, TV series, and promotional videos. The exposure to enticing images allures tourists and boosts local economies and entrepreneurship. The strand of film-induced tourism, video-induced tourism (which concerns mainly promotional videos) needs to be further explored. The Portuguese case, concerning both film- and video-induced tourism, also needs to be mapped. Thus, the purpose of this study is twofold: it will discuss and explore the topics of film-induced tourism and video-induced tourism in Portugal; and it will provide insights into promotional videos released by the Turismo do Centro de Portugal Association. We will start by presenting an overview of these two concepts. Subsequently, we will tackle the Portuguese case and explain the strategies adopted to boost film- and video-induced tourism phenomena. Finally, we will carry out an overview of the Turismo do Centro videos and see how they fit into the organisation’s broader communication context. Exploring this case study will help us project how the strategy in which these videos are inserted may help the region in the post-pandemic economic recovery.

Author Biographies

  • André Rui Graça, University of Beira Interior Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX (CEIS20) - University of Coimbra

    André Rui Graça holds a PhD from University College London. He is guest assistant professor at the University of Beira Interior, researcher at CEIS-20/University of Coimbra and freelance consultant.

    Full Name: André Rui Nunes Bernardes da Cunha Graça

    Personal Address: Av. Dr. Castanheira Figueiredo, Lote 2, 1D, 3420-302, Tábua

    Phone: +351917063724

  • Francisco Banha, University of Algarve (FEUALG), CEFAGE-UÉvora and (CinTurs)-UALG

    Francisco Banha holds a PhD in Economics and Management Sciences from the University of Algarve. He is the founder and CEO of Gesbanha Group, and invited lecturer at ISEG, UALG, and ISG.  He is also a researcher at the CEFAGE (University of Évora) and CinTurs (UALG).

    Full Name: Francisco Manuel Espingardeiro Banha

    Address: Rua da Fonte, 6, Leceia, 2730-192, Barcarena, Portugal

    PersonalPhone: +351 932512737

  • Francisco Miguel Banha, Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics

    Francisco Miguel Banha holds an MSc in Management from the Portuguese Catholic University, where he is a teaching assistant. He has worked as a consultant at KPMG and Deloitte and is currently the COO of Gesbanha Group.

    Personal Address: Rua João de Deus, 23, Porto Salvo, 2740-069 Porto Salvo

    Phone: +351 913309679


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Tourism/Hospitality: Research Papers

How to Cite

Graça, A. R., Banha, F., & Banha, F. M. (2022). Video-Induced Tourism in Central Portugal: Production and Impact of Promotional Videos. Tourism & Management Studies, 18(1), 41-50.

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