Understanding tourist mobile hotel booking behaviour: Incorporating perceived enjoyment and perceived price value in the modified Technology Acceptance Model


  • Mohamad Amiruddin Mohamad Faculty of Hotel & Tourism Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA Terengganu, Malaysia
  • Mohd Hafiz Hanafiah Faculty of Hotel & Tourism Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3378-7300
  • Salleh Mohd Radzi Faculty of Hotel & Tourism Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA Selangor, Malaysia


Mobile Hotel Booking, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Perceived Enjoyment, Perceived Price Value


This study examines how mobile technology adoption influences customers' intention to book hotel rooms via smartphone. This study empirically incorporated perceived enjoyment and perceived value in the modified Technology Acceptance Model (m-TAM) and tested it as a unified model. Partial Least Square-Structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was applied to estimate the proposed research framework based on the survey data collected from 386 travellers who booked hotels via their smartphones. The structural model confirms perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, and perceived price value significantly influence consumers' behavioural intentions toward mobile hotel booking. This study confirms that TAM can be extended and employed to predict and explain the acceptance of the new technologies in service industries. This study also provides valuable theoretical contributions in developing and testing related theories and practical implications to hotel operators, online travel agencies (OTAs), and hospitality technology suppliers.

Author Biographies

  • Mohamad Amiruddin Mohamad, Faculty of Hotel & Tourism Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA Terengganu, Malaysia
    Mohamad Amiruddin Mohamad received his Master’s degree in Hospitality Management from the Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) in Shah Alam, Selangor. He is presently a Lecturer at Universiti Teknologi Mara Cawangan Terengganu.
  • Mohd Hafiz Hanafiah, Faculty of Hotel & Tourism Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia
    Mohd Hafiz Hanafiah is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Hotel & Tourism Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. He completed his Ph.D. in Hotel and Tourism Management from UiTM in 2016 and Master in Economics from Universiti Malaya in 2008. He is an active author; authoring and co-authoring multiple research paper, mostly indexed by Scopus and Web of Science.
  • Salleh Mohd Radzi, Faculty of Hotel & Tourism Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA Selangor, Malaysia
    Salleh Mohd Radzi is an Associate Professor at Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia. He is currently attached with Department of Hotel Management. His research interest covers hospitality management within the scope of stategic management, human resource management and service management


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Tourism/Hospitality: Research Papers

How to Cite

Mohamad, M. A., Hanafiah, M. H., & Radzi, S. M. (2021). Understanding tourist mobile hotel booking behaviour: Incorporating perceived enjoyment and perceived price value in the modified Technology Acceptance Model. Tourism & Management Studies, 17(1), 19-30. https://tmstudies.net/index.php/ectms/article/view/1344

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