Examining the mediating role of celebrity endorsement in green advertisements to improve the intention of Egyptian Millennials towards environmental behaviours in tourist destinations


  • Noha Kamel Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Tourism Studies Department, Alexandria University


Celebrity endorsement, green advertisements, Millennials, intentions


Celebrity-endorsed advertisements have a powerful influence, especially on young generations like millennials. At the same time, green advertising is a growing trend used by many destinations and organisations for environmental protection initiatives. Celebrity endorsement in green advertisement could be a viable solution for many marketers in tourist destinations to engage and support millennials to be eco-friendly during their travels. Hence, the purpose of this study is to investigate the mediating role of using celebrities as endorsers in green ads to influence the intention of Egyptian millennials towards environmental behaviours in tourist destinations. Descriptive analysis, Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) have been carried out using SPSS and Amos to address the objectives of this study. Results show that celebrity endorsement mediates the relationship between green advertisements and the intentions of millennials to behave in a sustainable way in tourist destinations. This study makes the first attempt to provide evidence of how celebrities can be employed as a mediating variable in green advertisements to motivate Egyptian millennials to be environmentally responsible.

Author Biography

  • Noha Kamel, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Tourism Studies Department, Alexandria University

    Noha Ahmed Kamel- graduated from the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Alexandria University in 2005. She obtained her Master's Degree in 2011 and her Ph.D (Philosophy Doctor) degree in Tourism Studies in 2016. Currently she is a lecturer, Tourism Studies Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels-Alexandria University. She has been lecturing to both undergraduate and postgraduate students in different fields; Tourism Marketing, Public Relations, Tourism Organizations, Human Resources Management, Tourism Economics, Crisis Management, Tourism Development, and Quality Management. She also has publications in national and international journals. Noha is a member in the Community Service and Environmental Development Committee at the Faculty, member in the Quality Assurance Unit at the faculty, member in the Measurement and Evaluation unit at the faculty and Coordinator of the Crisis and Disaster Unit at the Faculty. She is also a member in Alexandria University Graduates Association at the University. She has successfully completed several training courses in HR and management such as: Structural Equation Modelling, Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Path Analysis Using Amos and SPSS, Stress Management, Communication Skills, Preparing A Competitive Research Project, Solving Problems, Teamwork, And Electronic Learning etc. She has participated in several conferences, workshops, activities, and training courses at the faculty. she has been awarded the third place Research Award of the academic year 2017/2018 from the faculty for her research entitled: "Managing Reputation Online: Engagement with Customer-Generated Reviews, Egyptian Travel Agencies Perspective".


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Tourism/Hospitality: Research Papers

How to Cite

Kamel, N. (2020). Examining the mediating role of celebrity endorsement in green advertisements to improve the intention of Egyptian Millennials towards environmental behaviours in tourist destinations. Tourism & Management Studies, 16(4), 7-21. https://tmstudies.net/index.php/ectms/article/view/1326

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