Efficiency Determinants in Portuguese Banking Industry – an application through fractional regression models



DEA models, banking efficiency, fractional regression, efficiency determinants


The participation in the Euro area and the current financial crisis substantially conditioned the development of the Portuguese banking industry, for which is expected a continuous fall in income and a growing competitive pressure, improving the need to look carefully to issues as efficiency as an essential survival factor. Efficiency indicators of the main banks operating in Portugal were measured through DEA methodology. The application of two-stage models allowed circumventing the usual problems inherent to the coexistence of the production and intermediation approaches. The application of regression for proportions, more appropriate than traditional linear and Tobit regressions, to deal with the fractional nature of the DEA scores, allowed the identification of efficiency determinant factors for the main banks operating in Portugal. The fractional regression models demonstrate evidence of improved specification comparing to traditional regression models. The variables that appear to major influence on overall efficiency are internationalization, size and type of ownership of capital.

Author Biography

  • Ana Isabel Martins, University of Algarve
    Professor at School of Management, Hospitality and Tourism - Financial Management Group


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Business/Management: Research Papers

How to Cite

Martins, A. I. (2018). Efficiency Determinants in Portuguese Banking Industry – an application through fractional regression models. Tourism & Management Studies, 14(2), 63-71. https://tmstudies.net/index.php/ectms/article/view/1072