Positive psychology & tourism: a systematic literature review
Positive Psychology, Tourism, Wellbeing, Nature, InnovationAbstract
This study is an overview of the applications of Positive Psychology in tourism. Tourism seeks to increase the wellbeing of people, and wellbeing is a crucial variable in Positive Psychology which in turn aims to understand and promote people’s potential. This systematic literature review used as search terms ‘Positive Psychology’, ‘wellbeing’, ‘happiness’, ‘tourism’, ‘visitor’ and ‘travel’, terms which were applied through the Online Knowledge Library. The inclusion/exclusion criteria led to a sample of 49 references which were then individually analyzed. Results showed a recent increase in studies focused on the relationship between the variables, Europe being in the lead. Overall, policies are important for tourism development; tourism promotes wellbeing for residents and tourists; entrepreneurs have an innovative opportunity in wellbeing; and nature is linked to wellbeing. Implications and suggestions for future studies are presented.References
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