Knowledge transfer exchange and dynamic Guanxi in Chinese Universities




Guanxi, Knowledge Transfer Exchange, Universities, China.


This paper investigates the relevance of guanxi (???as a cultural factor in Knowledge Transfer Exchange (KTE) in the Chinese University-Industry relationship context. Adopting a qualitative case-study approach, with data from fieldwork fifty interviews this work brings fresh view on the role of social networks as a cultural value in universities’ researchers engagement in KTE activities. In addition, this paper breaks the traditional linear view toward guanxi. Instead, it adopts a dynamic, dialectical, and holistic perspective towards the role of guanxi in KTE processes in the context of Chinese universities. Furthermore, it has been found that during the KTE process, guanxi networks should be balanced with the appropriate infrastructure, qualified staffs, and financial investment to obtain successful outcomes. This study enriches the existing literature on the determinants which affect KTE researcher engagement by highlighting the role of guanxi as a cultural factor. 

Author Biography

  • Antonio Padilla-Meléndez, University of Málaga
    I am Full Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship in the Social and Work Studies Faculty at the University of Malaga (Spain) and Visiting Professor in the Centre for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Studies of the Leeds University Business School (UK).

    I also work as consultant for private and public institutions (giving training, writing state-of-the-art reports, strategic consulting documents, and business plans) and as expert in the evaluation of international projects, Spanish R+D projects, and in the accreditation of official Masters. I have been academic entrepreneur of a spin-off during 6 years.

    My research interest focuses on entrepreneurship, university entrepreneurship, innovation ecosystems, and innovation in business models.

    My work has been published in a range of peer reviewed journals, such as Technovation and International Small Business Journal. And I have three research periods recognised by the Spanish government.

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Business/Management: Research Papers

How to Cite

Padilla-Meléndez, A., & Li, Z. (2017). Knowledge transfer exchange and dynamic Guanxi in Chinese Universities. Tourism & Management Studies, 13(4), 55-63.