Marketing Information Systems: An integrative view


  • Jesús Manuel López-Bonilla
  • Luis Miguel López-Bonilla
  • Jesús C. Peña-Vinces


Information system, marketing information system, MIS, marketing decision support system, MDSS


Information is a basic resource for the decision making. For this, the organizations use information systems which give this basic resource. An information system is a means through which data flow inside a company, from a worker or department to other workers or departments. This may occur everywhere, from the organizations`s internal communication to computerized systems that generate periodical reports for varied users.
In the present work, we center on the information systems from a marketing perspective. The methodology of this paper is based on a qualitative research approach. This article reviews relevant marketing information system models presented historically in the academic literature. The information systems most commonly examined are the Marketing Information System (MIS) and the Marketing Decision Support System (MDSS). We have observed that there is some confusion in the literature regarding these information systems. Hence, we have aimed to give an integrative viewpoint and we have proposed a hybrid and global system






Business/Management: Research Papers

How to Cite

López-Bonilla, J. M., López-Bonilla, L. M., & Peña-Vinces, J. C. (2024). Marketing Information Systems: An integrative view. Tourism & Management Studies, 11(2), 197-203.