The relationship between creative tourism and local development: a bibliometric approach for the period 2009-2019




Creative tourism, Culture, Territories resources and traditions, Unique and authentic tourist experiences, Tourism impacts on local communities, Local/regional development.


More and more people want to travel to destinations expecting to live unique and active tourist experiences, linked to the culture and traditions of the host communities, and interact with local people. In the concept of creative tourism, these dimensions of proximity to residents, of tourists’ participation in the configuration of their own experience and the expression of creativity based on cultural references and attributes of the destination, are present. It is in this context that multiple researchers have been looking to the creative tourism segment as an opportunity for the development of various territories. The aim of this investigation is to identify the relationship which can be found in the literature between creative tourism and local development, using as research method a bibliometric inventory made in scientific databases (Academia. edu, Econlit, Google Scholar, CAPES Journals, Redalyc,, SCOPUS, and Web of Science, among others). In general, it was possible to verify that there is a concern of the authors of the papers analysed in establishing a link between creative tourism and local/regional development, without however going far on this dimension, or at least identifying impact of economic, cultural, social and environmental nature. This way, it seems to be important that future research goes far in the inventory of the hypothesized relationship between the proposals of creative tourism and the benefits it can bring to local communities.

Author Biographies

  • Carlos A. Máximo Pimenta, Universidade Federal de Itajubá

    Carlos Alberto Máximo Pimenta holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, since 2001. Is Associate Professor at the Federal University of Itajubá (Brazil) and Researcher at the Graduate Program in Development, Technologies and Society (PPG DTecS). It works at the interfaces between Anthropology and Sociology, with an emphasis on the subjects of Brazilian social reality, local-regional development and cultural policies. Recently, he performed a post-doctoral internship at the Institute of Social Sciences, in the aim of the Laboratory of Landscapes, Heritage and Territory (Lab2PT), of the University of Minho.

  • José Cadima Ribeiro, University of Minho

    José Cadima Ribeiro has a PhD in Economics (University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, 1989). He is Full Professor at the Department of Economics, University of Minho (Portugal), since 1997. His main research and teaching interests are: Regional Economics; Regional Planning; Portuguese and European Economics; Tourism economics; Cultural Tourism. He has presented several papers in Portuguese and International conferences and is author or co-author of scientific papers published in national and international journals and book chapters. He has also been involved in some territorial planning projects. Besides those academic and technical activities, along his entire career he has been involved in the management of a few organizations, academic and entrepreneurial.

  • Paula Cristina Remoaldo, Universidade do Minho
    Paula remoaldo is Full Professor at University of Minho (Portugal) of the Department of Geography. She got her PhD in Human Geography in 1999, with co-direction of the University of Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium). Her research interests are Regional and Local Development, Cultural Tourism, Creative Tourism and Health Geography. Since  November 2017 she is the Head of Lab2PT (Laboratory of Landscape, Heritage and Territory).


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Applied Cultural Studies: Research Papers

How to Cite

Pimenta, C. A. M., Ribeiro, J. C., & Remoaldo, P. C. (2021). The relationship between creative tourism and local development: a bibliometric approach for the period 2009-2019. Tourism & Management Studies, 17(1), 5-18.

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