Rio de Janeiro residents’ perceptions of the 2016 Olympics in the pre-games period


  • Deborah Moraes Zouain Universidade do Grande Rio - Unigranrio
  • Paola Lohmann Universidade do Grande Rio - Unigranrio
  • Kaarina Virkki Universidade do Grande Rio - Unigranrio
  • Douglas Michele Turco Sport Business School Finland
  • Gabriela De Laurentis Cardoso Researcher of the Tourism Research Center at Universidade do Grande Rio - UNIGRANRIO (Brazil). Master's degree in Market Research, Media and Public Opinion by the University of Business and Social Sciences (UCES) in Buenos Aires



Rio de Janeiro, 2016 Olympic Games, resident perceptions, sport mega-events


Between 2014 and 2016, Rio de Janeiro hosted two mega sport events – the Fédération Internationale de Football Association World Cup and the Olympic Games – which generated changes in the city. This study sought to analyse Rio residents’ perceptions in the lead-up to the latter games. A quantitative survey was conducted face-to-face with a sample of 404 residents, exactly one year before the Olympics. The data indicated that the residents found the pre-game period troubling because of uncertainties regarding the city’s desired Olympic legacy. Residents’ routines were impacted by either traffic issues or media reports that generated expectations and apprehension. The pre-Olympic period was marked by protests, concerns about overspending, construction delays and fears about the mega-events’ success. However, residents’ perceptions included clear expectations regarding the event legacy’s implications for tourism businesses and the destination’s visibility, as well as lasting improvements affecting tourism and sport activities.


Author Biographies

  • Deborah Moraes Zouain, Universidade do Grande Rio - Unigranrio
    PhD in Production Engineering (COPPE/UFRJ-Brazil) and Professor of the Graduate and Post Graduate Program in Business Administration (UNIGRANRIO - Brazil)
  • Paola Lohmann, Universidade do Grande Rio - Unigranrio
    Researcher of the Tourism Research Center at Universidade do Grande Rio - UNIGRANRIO (Brazil). PhD student in Tourism at Universidade do Aveiro. Master in Business Management (Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV - Brazil)
  • Kaarina Virkki, Universidade do Grande Rio - Unigranrio
    Researcher of the Tourism Research Center at Universidade do Grande Rio - UNIGRANRIO (Brazil). Post-graduate in Business Administration (Fundação Getúlio Varga - FGV - Brazil)
  • Douglas Michele Turco, Sport Business School Finland
    PhD, Senior Research Associate, Sport Business School Finland.


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Tourism/Hospitality: Research Papers

How to Cite

Zouain, D. M., Lohmann, P., Virkki, K., Turco, D. M., & Cardoso, G. D. L. (2019). Rio de Janeiro residents’ perceptions of the 2016 Olympics in the pre-games period. Tourism & Management Studies, 15(1), 55-63.

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