Study of the female entrepreneurship: An empirical evidence in the municipality of León in Nicaragua


  • Justa Pastora Amador-Ruiz
  • Antonio Juan Briones-Peñalver Technical University of Cartagena


Women, Entrepreneurship, Sociodemographic and Psychosocial Factors.


Women's entrepreneurship is one of the main challenges in economic growth. In this context, in the context of the creation of new companies, it can be considered as one of the main mechanisms that contribute in an important way to achieve the desired welfare for society, reducing unemployment, increasing innovation and improving competitiveness and favoring an important part of economic growth.This article analyzes the influence of the socioeconomic and psychosocial factors of the female entrepreneurship. For this purpose, a sample of 101 women entrepreneurs in the municipality of León, Nicaragua, has been used. We apply Factor Analysis and Regression Analysis, in order to detect the relationship between the considered factors. Some results indicate that all variables considered have a significant influence on the probability of entrepreneurship, the capacity of entrepreneurial women increases when they have skills, knowledge and have an early contact in the business world.

Author Biography

  • Justa Pastora Amador-Ruiz
    PhD, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Business


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Business/Management: Research Papers

How to Cite

Amador-Ruiz, J. P., & Briones-Peñalver, A. J. (2024). Study of the female entrepreneurship: An empirical evidence in the municipality of León in Nicaragua. Tourism & Management Studies, 13(3), 73-82.