
  • Deborah da Cunha Estima ARENA
  • Ana Isabel Arruda Moniz Universidade dos Açores
  • Diogo Caetano Agência Regional de Energia e Ambiente da Região Autónoma dos Açores, ARENA
  • Pablo Escudero Aznar Universidade dos Açores
  • Maria da Anunciação Ventura Universidade dos Açores


Tourism, Environment, Sustainability, Green Destination, Certification


This study is a part of the project

Azores Green Islands Tourism, which is a partnership between the University of the Azores and ARENA, with the FCT and MIT support. The aim is to identify and evaluate, the way the Azorean tour operators perceive ecotourism and the adoption of sustainable practices, as a way to add value to the destination. The project was launched on the nine islands of the archipelago and lasted for one year. The target population was selected through the official site of the Regional Directorate of Tourism; all companies registered in the site were asked to answer an on-line survey. Given the results obtained, we expect to: develop a database with the companies that adopt good-practices in their activities; identify the perception of the tour operators concerning ecotourism; identify and assess how the operators perceive the adoption of sustainable practices as a way to add value to the Azorean destination; elaborate a diagnosis of the activity; contribute to an awareness of the tour operators on the importance of adopting sustainable practices. Thus, we expect to identify the strategies needed to stimulate the adoption of such practices, culminating in the elaboration of an action plan for the future of a sustainable tourism in the archipelago.  

Author Biographies

  • Deborah da Cunha Estima, ARENA
    Doutoranda em Turismo, Investigadora
  • Ana Isabel Arruda Moniz, Universidade dos Açores
    PhD, Professora Auxiliar, Departamento de Economia e Gestão
  • Diogo Caetano, Agência Regional de Energia e Ambiente da Região Autónoma dos Açores, ARENA
    Mestre, Gestor de Projectos
  • Pablo Escudero Aznar, Universidade dos Açores
    Bolseiro Programa Eurodisseia/Azores Green Islands Tourism, Departamento de Biologia
  • Maria da Anunciação Ventura, Universidade dos Açores
    PhD, Professora Auxiliar e Directora do CCPA, Departamento de Biologia



How to Cite

Estima, D. da C., Moniz, A. I. A., Caetano, D., Aznar, P. E., & Ventura, M. da A. (2012). SUSTAINABILITY IN INSULAR DESTINATIONS – THE AZORES GREEN ISLANDS TOURISM PROJECT. Tourism & Management Studies, 1162-1165.

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